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Born in 1986 in Saarbrücken, Germany, Amela lives and works in Munich.
In her early childhood, her artistic parents introduced her to painting, sewing and working with different fabrics. Experimenting with landscapes and portraits, guided by her father’s influences and her admiration for Monet, characterized her beginnings. As the daughter of migrants from former Yugoslavia, she grew up bilingual and her live had taken place between Germany and Bosnia. The experience of living within two different cultures has had a strong influence on the content of her artistic creation, but in particular on her recent thoughts and works.
In her youth she focused on oil painting and motifs from nature, while at the same time her interest in philosophical topics and her curiosity to understand the background to human interactions and social interdependecies grew. This led her to study sociology and gain a deeper insight into the explanations of social dynamics and processes. During her sociology studies at the University of Trier, she learned new ways of comprehending and exploring her society-related issues and observations, while painting remained an integral part of her life during these years. After graduating, Amela devoted herself entirely to painting, but she looked for new ways to incorporate the core themes that have accompanied her throughout life and the knowledge from her studies into her paintings. She gradually moved away from depictions of nature and found the scope to express her interpretations and conclusions in abstraction. During this time, she studied Rosemary Mayer, Cy Twombly and Georgia O´Keeffe, all of whom clearly influenced her work.
Today’s works by Amela deal with subjects of interaction between us humans. They take up the origins of our interdependencies, what influences them and are an expression of our motives for wanting to interact with each other. Her landscape like depictions are figuratively very reduced to two interacting forms that play together fluidly. Imbued with a melancholic and devoted approach to the realization of the illustration of human relationships, the paintings convey a poetic storytelling, that capture the fragments of our existence.